Emmanuel: God with us

By [name withheld]

“The Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us” John 1:14

Surely this was the most wondrous “Translation” of God’s Word! For God to help us translate His Word into the languages of Papua New Guinea is awesome, but for God to translate His Word into Flesh is stunning….leaving-us-speechless stunning. This Christmas, give yourself the gift of time to savor this wondrous Truth, “Emmanuel: God with us!”

Consider the Love of Christmas. 

Consider the implication of Immanuel.

God With Us.

God in the Flesh.

Philippians 2 Style.:

“Being very nature God…made Himself nothing”

And Psalms 18:35:

“You stoop down to make me great”.

 He, beyond-our-ability-to-grasp, lowered Himself…

…WAY down to be with…You.

 He who made the universe became an embryo in a teenager’s womb….

…for the love of you.

Patiently waited nine months in that womb.

Readily accepted the utter dependency of an infant.

Lived in the clumsy body of a toddler. 

For love’s sake.

For the sake of knowing you.

Of being united to you.


He who said a thousand years is as a day.


Longing for you.

To be with you.

To be with you.

For the sake of Love.



You are loved.

You are longed for.

You are sought after.

Lift your eyes. Lift your heart.

Let it be filled with wonder.

Bless you with fresh, unprecedented revelation of this leaving-you-speechless Love.






Relentlessly pursuing


I receive. I savor. I love in return.

Amen and Amen.