Enemy at our heels

During November we’re focusing on advancing the Kingdom. Please see the Monthly Prayer Focus page to read our strategic prayer request for this month.

By Jill Weatherhead

The enemy is nipping at our heels, but God’s hands are bigger – His fingerprints are everywhere!

About once a month a group of ladies here in Madang gather to be part of a Book Club. For November, we are reading a fantasy story. In this fictitious tale, there was a very long battle between good and evil. A fairy had been wronged in the past and she meant to get even. She set in motion the magic that would cause the daughter of the king – and his entire kingdom – to be destroyed.

For 21 years she waited for her opportunity. And no matter what everyone did to prevent the worst from happening, the battle occurred as she predicted it would.

It is not hard for me to draw parallels between this story and the battle that is raging in the “Kingdom” I serve. There is an enemy lying in wait, striking from time to time to give a reminder of his power. But the King also battles this army. The battles are not always obvious, but often are felt by those who are in service to the King of kings.

A few weeks ago, Norm and I stepped in to help the task of getting the Mborena Kam New Testament to the typesetter (then printed…dedicated…and into the hands of the people). I had read before of other missionary stories that talked about the heightened battle that rages the closer to the ‘finish’ line a New Testament comes. In the past few years, as the final preparations for typesetting started, road blocks have arisen to attempt to stop the process. But the team has continued to persevere over the obstacles. Others in the branch have walked alongside the team and now it was our turn.

A myriad of events occurred as we took on the task. Our health – colds, malaria, puritis, a broken toe bone. Emotional – an inability to sleep at night alongside emails from family in Canada regarding the decline in health of my mother who then died on Oct 19th. Computer issues. Internet issues. Electricity issues for the night work session. We felt the pressing in of the enemy upon us.

The enemy was nipping at our heels, but God’s hands are bigger – and His fingerprints are everywhere.

We also experienced miracles – internet connections when power was failing, airline tickets purchased all the way to Charlottetown. A delay in the date for my mother’s funeral due to one of my siblings being on a trip that he couldn’t change so I had time to get there. The recording team choosing the same week to take their break in the village that the Hewitts are away on their vacation (Emily is now overseeing the recording team). The editing team choosing a different week, which means they will be gone for most of the time I am gone (such an answer to prayer as I didn’t know how to leave Norm at a time he really needs my help). Norm being able to work an entire week at full-time hours, something that has not been possible so far this year. The woman who gives Norm his massages agreeing to come every Saturday (her usual 1/2 day off) to help with his muscle cramping. An outpouring of love from friends here and abroad.

And the completion of the task is moving closer each day!

Between the two books I have been reading (the fictitious one and the Bible), I kept thinking of battles and kingdoms. I re-read 2 Kings 6, a battle between two kingdoms. Elisha’s servant’s response to the vast arm approaching was “We are doomed!” to which Elisha replied, “Don’t be afraid…we have more on our side than they have on theirs.” Then he prayed and God opened the eyes of the servant so that he saw the Army of God. I have been prayer-singing a song…

I know Who goes before me

Nothing formed against me shall stand

I’m holding on to His promises

He is faithful

The One who reigns forever

He is a friend of mine…the God of angel armies is always by my side.

Back to the Book Club, the story ends well. Evil is taken down and good wins! While this is a fictitious story, the reality is that we are indeed in a battle between kingdoms. But I’ve also read the ending of the non-fictitious Book and the Kingdom of God will overcome the evil one.

Because of this, I am confident that the Mborena Kam will soon hold their New Testament in their hands. I am confident that they will soon see it with their eyes when the written word is published and hear it with their ears as the audio version is made available on SD cards. The King whom I serve will see it come to pass. And His Kingdom will advance throughout the Lower Ramu and to the outer most parts of the Papua New Guinean jungle because of it!

Jill works in administration alongside her husband, Norm, who is the Director of Language Affairs.

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