Finding joy in the call

During September we’re focusing on responding to God’s call. Each of the posts published this month will be about the situations in which our authors have responded to His leading or have witnessed others respond to His leading. Please see the Prayer page to read our strategic prayer request for this month and pray with us that we would see the people of the Lower Ramu area respond to Him.

By Lori Witham

I was not called or gifted to be an evangelist. I do not preach the Gospel to large groups. Rather, I turn raw Bible verses that were translated and typed into a computer by a Bible translator, into a nice looking book of scripture so a villager can read that God loves him. So, though I was not called to be an evangelist, I am involved in the work of evangelism. I believe the number one work of every Christian here on earth is to be a part of enabling others to hear God’s Story about salvation through His Son Jesus. Otherwise, the way I see it, why wouldn’t God just whisk us to Heaven the instant we accept Christ’s salvation? Why does He have us stick around after He saves us?

I was in my late twenties when I realized that God expects all of us to be involved in the work of evangelism in one way or another. I started praying and searching for the work God wanted me to do. My first thought was that God would want me to volunteer doing some work at the church. I tried out different things: I was a choir member, helped print church bulletins, and helped with the prison ministry, the homeless ministry, and the ministry with the elderly. But I felt no strong pull towards any of these ministries. I felt God was still leading me elsewhere.

Months later, one night I told God that since I love to sing, I would love to have the gift of singing besingerautifully so that I could share His message through singing. But God hadn’t given me a beautiful voice. And very clearly I heard the answer, “No, you may not have a beautiful voice, but God has given you your own beautiful ministry. God created you and the skills you have, so He knows what gift is your best quality, and which will bring you the most enjoyment in being a part of God’s work. All that matters is that desire to use your gift for His work, and God will show you what your gift is, and how to use it.” This knowledge opened a window in my life, and after more prayer, searching, and waiting on God, a year later He led me to PBT to work overseas with a ministry I really enjoy in publishing.

Lori serves as PBT-PNG’s desktop publishing specialist, typesetting translated scripture text into a book to send to the printers.