Mi Sori Tru

From the Autumn 2000 The Storyboard by Lois Bayyom Nai

(Sori tru means very sad. [ed.])

People come and go…
Time comes and goes…
Years come and go…

Lois with Sandra and Telita
Lois with Sandra and Telita

Missouri is Sandra’s home state, and that is where she is now. She was in PNG, and she was more like a sister to me and all my family. She was also a person that we all shared things with, and talked to easily. Now that she is back in the States, we are missing her. Sandra, we want to let you know that we all really appreciate you so much and hope to see you back in PNG some day. God bless you. He will always guide you with all your plans.

Sandra with Lois's daughter, Twila. (namesake of Sandra's sister)
Sandra with Lois's daughter, Twila. (namesake of Sandra's sister)

Lois, originally from the Papua New Guinean island of Manus, has worked in the finance department of our PBT Madang office since 22 February 1990. She has seen many from PBT come, and like Lois, we are all sori tru when we see them go.