Scrap Wood

By Lindy Pate

One of the Apal national translators stood outside our house with a scrap piece of wood. “Can I have this?” he asked. Requests aren’t unusual, but in this case the reason for the request was special. Jeffry wanted to make a communion tray for the church in another village. In a week, they would be having a large baptism ceremony there.

Jeffry proceeded to find more scraps and ask politely if he could borrow a couple of tools. His aim was selfless and we were more than happy to oblige. I quickly went into the tool shed to find some less rotten pieces of wood and a can of assorted nails. I offered to use by drill to pre-drill the nail holes so that the smaller pieces of wood would not split and gave him a piece of sandpaper.

In all this, Jeffry acted like I was doing him a great favor by helping. Really, he was the one that was doing an act of service.

Praise God for people like Jeffry who are growing in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. Pray for the 34 new believers who were baptized in January.

For a story about the baptism check out Kelsey Coker’s blog:

Lindy is a Bible translator.