Unforeseen skills

During May we’re focusing on seeking God’s wisdom. Please see the Prayer page to read our strategic prayer request for this month.

By Brian Paris

Lately I’ve taken on a task that I never thought I would do… ever. In an effort to catch all those little grammar issues in the Mborena Kam New Testament before it is published, we are playing recordings of it for leaders of the Mbore people to listen to and edit. In order to do this we have to record men reading it. After finishing the recording of Mark earlier this year, it was time to move on to Matthew. Despite the fact that we had Mbore men willing to read for the recording, we didn’t have anyone in the office able to assist them. So I took on the job knowing full well that I was getting in over my head.

How am I supposed to help guys record their New Testament when I’ve never even seen it done before? This isn’t my specialty and certainly isn’t my interest. But it needed to get done and there was no one else to do it. I assumed God would provide what I was lacking. Two of the three-man team showed up first. They were part of the recording of Mark, so they had some experience with the process. They quickly jumped into the work remembering the nuts and bolts of microphones and how to use the computer program.

After a few days the third team member arrived. He had worked with computers a114 long time ago, “when they were big.” I sat him down and started to explain how to use the recording program and the microphone. One of the other team members decided I wasn’t doing a good job, so he gently pushed me out of the way and started to explain in Mborena Kam.

The team has been doing great and really only required me in an administrative/planning role, something I am much more suited to do. I thought I was engaging in a job that was over my head and prayed for wisdom in knowing how to proceed. God didn’t supernaturally give me new skills, but instead provided a skilled team. In the end, the entire branch is doing everything we can to support the Mborena Kam team as they look to publish their New Testament soon. It’s encouraging to see God bolstering and guiding us through this process.

Brian serves as the assistant to the director.